4 Chill Musical Outlets Around Campus

By Talia Klein, ’19, University Health Center, HEALTH Works Peer Educator

Leaving my home in Texas to come to UMD was tough and stressful. No, not as a result of the social changes, the challenging academics, or the anticipated homesickness. Rather, for me, it was due to a lost sense of musical freedom and accessibility.

I played violin in lower school, took guitar lessons in high school, and within the last year, taught myself some piano basics. Evidently, I alternate between instruments with little consistency. I am no professional musician; instead, I am one who thrives through singing and making music. So coming to college restricted and stifled my ability to pursue music… or so I had thought at the time.

Having discovered these four informal outlets around campus, I had found exactly what I needed. Get out there and try the following for yourself:

  1. Play piano in Anne Arundel Hall.   This piano, located in the basement of Anne Arundel Hall, is comfortably situated in the corner of the room. If you are a shy musician, you may find this the perfect location to play without much of an audience or visibility. I personally find this location convenient and naturally comforting with its cozy basement vibes. Try working in McKeldin for a few hours, then head about three minutes to Anne Arundel Hall to reward yourself and re-energize by playing, perhaps accompanied by singing.
  2. Sing on the top level of Mowatt Lane Garage. Ever wish you could belt out in song without restriction? Free your voice on the top level of Mowatt Lane Garage. Bring a friend or sing alone to experience this freeing, fulfilling opportunity. For those not seeking an audience, it is a wonderful place to sing without being heard, or at least without being identified or watched. For others, audiences and friends may be welcome too to experience the beautiful music and view together.
  3. Play piano in Stamp’s Baltimore Room. For the more daring musicians, check out the piano in the Baltimore Room in Stamp. Other students and faculty members will enjoy the background music as they work, eat, and pass by. Some may even come up to join you. This piano really possesses the potential to bring different people together to form a collaborative musical experience. Connections abound and await you.
  4. Attend or perform in Stamp’s Friday Showcase in front of the Co-Op. Every Friday during the school year from 12-1 pm, student performers and bands perform in front of the Co-Op in Stamp. These free weekly performances feature both solo and group performances, singers, instrumentals, and bands, and also welcome all other types of musical performances. While this outlet is more structured than the others suggested, you could even just stop by, listen, and enjoy the show.

Taking advantage of these musical outlets around campus enhances my overall well-being, rejuvenates my spirit, and nurtures my ability to focus in school. Music physically and mentally heals, making my body feel stronger and my mind feel calmer and more composed. Perhaps you, too, can designate these musical moments during your day as relaxing adventures and purposeful study breaks. Will your next musical performance be the key to enhancing your academic performance? Only time will tell…

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